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Help with spindle legs for kitchen dining table

  • 23 Feb 2025 11:29 AM
    Message # 13466638

    Hi all - I'm a new member to NWWT (and new to wood turning) and am working on a project building a circular white oak breakfast table with round spindle legs. The attached photo shows what it looks like so far with the 4 leg blocks milled and ready for turning. Haven't settled on a final design for the legs yet but something like this is in the ballpark. 

    The upcoming spindle basics class appears to be full and I unfortunately will be traveling during the next one in April, so I was wondering if there's anyone in the NWWT community who might be willing to help me learn spindle turning basics and provide project-based guidance on how to approach turning the legs for my table.

    Would certainly be willing to compensate for your time, but want to emphasize that I'm hoping to learn the skills and do the majority of the work myself vs. hire out the work entirely. Also, welcome any tips on resources (videos, books, etc.) that might be useful for this type of project. 

    Thanks in advance for your help! 


    1 file
  • 24 Feb 2025 12:09 AM
    Reply # 13466779 on 13466638

    Shawn from Wortheffort on YouTube is my favorite turning teacher, but he is a bit more focused on bowls. His 4 cuts video and several others can be a valuable place to begin. 


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Lake Oswego, OR 97035

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